There was a time, not that long ago, when many people believed in a kind of digital utopia. My favorite quote from that period belongs to...
Disneyland For Crooks
Just to get our blood pumping, let’s look at a few key facts about online advertising. Then we’ll come back in later chapters and get...
Understanding The Black Box
In order to comprehend the black box of programmatic advertising we need to have at least a rudimentary picture of how it works. There...
Your Disappearing Money
The ignominy of online advertising reached some kind of wretched crescendo in 2021 as a report emerged detailing how advertisers are...
Honey, Did You See My $140 Billion?
According to the ANA and PwC, 70% of advertising dollars spent on online programmatic advertising never touch a human being. Of $200...
What Is Ad Fraud?
Ad fraud is a type of crime in which thieves use computer technology to steal money from businesses. The businesses think they are buying...
How Large Is Ad Fraud?
Ad fraud is one of the largest frauds in the history of the world. Nobody knows the exact extent of ad fraud but several reputable...
Why Is Ad Fraud Thriving?
By now you are probably asking yourself, “If we know ad fraud is massive, and we know how it’s done, why is it thriving?” It’s a damn...
Enormous Demand for Garbage
One important factor in the continuing growth of a wasteful, corrupt system is that it is beneficial to a great many people who should be...
Billions Of Mistakes. No One Noticed.
Among the frustrations of digital advertising, I think it’s fair to say that near the top is not knowing who and what to believe. While...
The Google/YouTube Scandal
Google has a program called Google Video Partners. In this program Google places a marketer's advertising on third party sites (in other...
Forbes' MFA Con Job
Adalytics made headlines again with a new report showing how Forbes had been screwing advertisers big time. Many ad geniuses thought for...
Programmatic Poop Funnel
In 2022 I created something I called the Programmatic Poop Funnel. Using the ad industry's most reliable sources, I attempted to...
ANA: World's Clumsiest Cover-Up
In one of the most ludicrous, incompetent, cover-up capers in history, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) has been guilty of...
World Wide Hackathon
In 2020, it was revealed that Russia had hacked 250 U.S. Government agencies. These hacks went undetected by our most sophisticated...
Perfecting Incompetence
There are really two different frightening stories to be told about programmatic advertising. The first story is about lying, cheating,...
Conspiracy Of Silence
For several years, the advertising industry has been engaged in a conspiracy to deceive its clients and the public about online...
How To Protect Yourself
Here are a few very simple things to do if you are determined to buy online advertising. Buy directly from quality publishers or quality...
Decade Of Delusion
The ten years we have just experienced were expected to be some of the most fruitful and productive in the history of advertising. We had...
Bonus Video:"Why Online Advertising Is A Scam"
In this video interview on the "Uncensored CMO" Bob discusses the problems of programmatic advertising, plus a lot of other advertising...
Bonus Video: World Fed. Of Adv. Debate On Adtech
In this video from 2017, Bob debates the virtues of tracking at the World Federation of Advertisers annual conference in Toronto [Home]