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Bob Hoffman is a former ad agency ceo who has written six Amazon #1 selling books about advertising. For more about Bob, go here.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled." Mark Twain

In 2024, marketers will spend over $650 billion on online advertising. A substantial proportion of this - perhaps in the hundreds of billions - will be completely wasted.


Not for the usual reason - their advertising stinks - but for another, darker reason. They have been cheated, lied to, and robbed.


It has been clear for about a decade that a great deal of online advertising is crooked. It is a black box. Money goes in and nobody knows what comes out.

Between ad fraud, made for advertising sites (MFAs), hidden fees, crooked  publishers, unreliable data, unreliable reports, viewability issues, click fraud, false attribution, consumer inattention, and the utter lack of transparency, advertisers are being fucked blind.

I have been writing about waste, criminality, and delusions in online advertising for a long time. This web-book contains articles I've written over the years, plus new pieces. It should be valuable for anyone in business who wants to avoid being taken to the cleaners by a crooked system designed to screw them.


- Tremendous credit is due to Dr. Augustine Fou and Dr. Krzysztof Franaszek. Much of the knowledge represented here is the result of their research. I'm merely a stenographer.


In various pieces you may find different quantities quoted. This is because amounts change over time. For example, in one piece you may find the amount of ad fraud estimated at $80 billion, and in another, $100 billion. This is because fraud has grown over time.



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"A fascinating account of an advertising practice little meticulous as it is accessible ...this is an eye-opening book."

- Kirkus Reviews

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"An all-out assault against the ills of the advertising industry. He details its hubris, delusions...egos and drops them all into a garbage can, and lights it on fire."              -Communication Arts

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Bob's first audio book. Over five hours of interviews, lectures, podcasts, and whining.

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"One of our truly great marketing iconoclasts."

- Mark Ritson

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Best Of Marketing, 2017"

-The Drum

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"I'm jealous. I wish I'd been brave enough to be this rude."

- Byron Sharp

All of Bob's books can be ordered here

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